Case Study: Digital Signal Processing Library Development Enables Effective Processor Deployments

Submitted by BDTI on Mon, 03/02/2015 - 22:00

As applications become more complex, and processors become more powerful, system developers increasingly rely on off-the-shelf software components to enable rapid and efficient application development. This is particularly true in digital signal processing, where application developers expect to have access to libraries of optimized building-block functions to speed their work.

A leading SoC developer recently contracted BDTI to assist it in developing a comprehensive library of software functions for its latest digital signal processor core. BDTI brought to the table its in-depth understanding of digital signal processing algorithms and applications, its experience with implementation, including software optimization and fixed-point arithmetic issues, and its understanding of software architecture and software development practices. BDTI's engineering team first identified which building-block digital signal processing functions to include in the library, given the application areas targeted by the core.

BDTI then designed an API for the library, taking into consideration target application areas, typical coding practices for those applications, the chip company's internal coding guidelines, and other factors. The API encompassed data structures and types, function, parameter and variable naming conventions, function prototype conventions, and error handling conventions.

Next, BDTI defined the prototypes and functionality for each of the digital signal processing library entries. BDTI provided the SoC supplier's software engineers with suggestions for efficient implementation of these functions, including fixed- and floating-point arithmetic behavior. BDTI also helped the implementers understand the needs of digital signal processing application developers and the implications of various implementation tradeoffs.

BDTI's guidance helped the chip supplier build the right library--and build it quickly and in a manner that maximized the library's value to customers. Upon completion of the project, the SoC vendor received a detailed specification for a software library that it could be confident would meet the needs of its customers across a wide range of applications. And BDTI helped ensure that the vendor implemented the specification correctly and efficiently.

Find out how BDTI can help you and your customers ensure that your processor cores (and chips based on them) achieve their full potential. For more information, contact Jeremy Giddings at +1-925-954-1411 or

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