Case Study: Change for the Better—With the help of BDTI

Submitted by BDTI on Wed, 11/19/2008 - 17:14

When is the right time to adopt a new way of doing things? It’s a no-brainer that systems designers have to select a new tool or component when the one they’ve been using is obsoleted.  But should a company adopt a new design methodology when the one they’re using still works?  After all, “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”—right?  Well, maybe.

Established signal processing system design techniques are bending under the pressure of increasing integration, greater application complexity, advanced processors, and shorter schedules.  A variety of tools vendors promise relief through products that work at higher levels of abstraction.  But examined closely, there are trade-offs—using a high-level tool may require a different type of design entry, or a limit the choices of target hardware that can be used.  There is also the risk that simply adopting a new tool will not speed the design cycle, but may actually slow it down as designers try to incorporate it into an existing process.  What is the solution?

In a recent engagement with a major aerospace company, BDTI was tasked with this question. BDTI examined the application space and the client’s existing design processes, then looked for ways in which to increase efficiency and productivity. With its understanding of signal processing systems, BDTI was able to pinpoint areas in which a new approach to system design would yield efficiencies.  BDTI then recommended specific tools to facilitate the approach, fitting the tools to the task, not the task to the tools.

This engagement is but one of many in which BDTI’s knowledge of embedded applications, architectures and tools has served to improve productivity and reduce time-to-market.  To learn how BDTI can help your company, contact Jeremy Giddings at BDTI (

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