Competitive Analysis

Weighing alternativesHow do you really stack up against the competition?

An independent BDTI competitive analysis can help you understand where your products stand in the competitive landscape. From there, BDTI can zero in on the the unique value of your products, what differentiates them from the competition, their strengths and weaknesses, and how they can be improved. We bring technical clarity and independent perspective to help you formulate a plan to make sure your product stands apart from the crowd.

A BDTI competitive analysis can take many forms. It can range from a hands-on, detailed comparative performance analysis based on benchmarks to a side-by-side comparison based on publicly available documentation. In between, there are many possible levels of detail, depending on your needs.

For companies that need apples-to-apples comparison of processing performance, BDTI provides detailed, credible benchmark results. Since BDTI introduced the first generation of the BDTI DSP Kernel Benchmarks in 1994, BDTI has been the most trusted source of reliable, trusted benchmark results. Today, BDTI designs and implements custom benchmarks that focus on specific performance and functionality for target applications and use cases.

If usability is your key concern, BDTI will conduct a confidential, side-by-side evaluation from a user perspective. BDTI engineers have experience in developing a wide range of embedded applications on numerous processing platforms with a variety of tools and programming models.

Solid benchmarks, usability, tools, and a solid ecosystem of vendor and third-party support are key factors in competition. Why not make sure you know where you stand? BDTI helps companies characterize their strengths and capture customer attention; it also helps companies identify weaknesses in order to make improvements.

BDTI will design a competitive analysis that meets your needs. Whether you are looking for a heavily quantified comparison or a qualitative evaluation from the point of view of experienced engineers, BDTI can help.

Call us at +1 925 954 1411 or contact us via the web to discuss your competitive analysis needs.  All discussions are held in confidence.